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Quarterback's Secret Baby (A Secret Baby Sports Romance) Read online

Page 18

  “I’m so sorry, Cade. If I could do it over, I would take it all back and do it so much differently. I’d tell you when you showed up in my office and noticed the picture.”

  “I know you’re sorry, Serena. It’s okay,” he says soothingly as he rubs my back.

  “It’s not okay. It was awful of me.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up over it. I know now, and all we can do is go forward from here.”

  “Forward? As in together?” I look up at him, tear-stained face and all.

  “If you’ll have me,” he responds softly, wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

  “Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?” I admit.

  “Let’s sit down,” he says, leading me to the couch. For a few moments, we just sit silently beside each other. I revel in the feel of Cade’s arm around me. I wasn’t sure I would ever be here again.

  “Why did you keep it from me?” he finally asks, breaking the silence.

  “I was afraid,” I admit.

  “Afraid of what?”

  “Everything. At first, I was afraid you might not want a child changing your life. Then I was afraid of how you’d react when I told you. What it would mean for Alan…and for me. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that someone like you would ever want to be with someone like me.”

  His brow furrows and he looks down at me like he doesn’t understand. “You’re so confident, though.”

  “Maybe in most areas of my life, but not when it comes to relationships. I guess I do pretty well at hiding my fears. You know there have only been a few men in my life. Most men find my career and — this sounds a little arrogant to even say — but my intelligence off putting, even some of my colleagues. After I had Alan, it was even harder.

  “I’ve never really connected with someone like I did with you. From that first meeting I felt it. And, I ran away that night because I just couldn't fathom how we would ever work out, so I thought it better to save myself the heartache.”

  “Anyone intimidated by how intelligent you are doesn’t deserve to be around you. I love that you know about things I don’t, and I love that you can teach me about how stars are born or how you discover new parts of our solar system. And, I love that you listen to me when I tell you about something you don’t know anything about, so you can understand it. You’re involved, and that’s rare. And not only are you intelligent, but you’re witty and beautiful, and the best mother I have ever met.”

  My heart flutters in my chest. I want nothing more than to kiss him just for being there. “You’re pretty special, too, Cade. The fact that you listen to my ramblings about anything scientific, and that I truly feel as though you hear me when I talk to you, that’s hard to come by. Even when two people have similar things in common.”

  “Yeah? Well, you know what I like the best about you?”

  “What?” I ask.

  “Your love for fried chicken,” he says with a grin.

  I laugh, and Cade laughs along with me as he tugs me closer.

  “I had a hard time seeing what was in front of me and accepting the obvious truth,” I tell him.

  He smiles. “What truth is that?”

  I sit up a little and turn toward him. “That I love you. I love you, Cade.”

  He leans in and captures my lips under his in a soft, sweet kiss. “I love you, too, Serena,” he whispers against my lips. He pulls me into his embrace, and we kiss. My heart is immediately full and truly happy. When we break apart, Cade touches his forehead to mine.

  “What do you think about you and Alan moving in with me?”

  “Cade...it’s too soon.”

  “Says who?” he chides.

  “Won’t we confuse Alan?”

  “We’re a family, so let’s be a family.” Tears well in my eyes when he says it. “Let’s talk to Alan,” he suggests. I nod, and we get up, walking outside to find Ashley and Alan. Ashley looks up first and smiles knowingly as Cade and I walk out hand in hand.

  “Alan?” I call out to him.

  “Cade!” he yells out, running towards him.

  Cade scoops him up and hugs him tightly. “Hey, buddy.”

  “Mommy say that you’re my dad, she picked you,” Alan sing-songs.

  “She sure did pick me,” Cade agrees. “I have a question for you. What would you think about you and your mommy moving in with me at my house?”

  “Can my panda bear come?” Alan asks.

  Cade laughs. “Of course, he can.”

  “Is there candy at your house?” Alan continues.

  “All the Twizzlers and M&M’s you can eat, pal,” Cade assures him.

  “Mommy! We live with Mr. Cade now!” Alan says as he wriggles from Cade’s arms to get down.

  Everyone laughs, and once again, I begin to cry. Cade reaches for my hand as we all follow Alan inside who is talking a mile a minute.

  “Hey, why are you crying?” Cade asks, leaning in to talk close to my ear.

  “They’re happy tears, I promise.”

  “They better be,” he says, wiping one away.

  “When Alan gets a little bit older, though, can you have the talk with him?”

  He chuckles. “Oh, I see how it is. Shuffling the hard stuff on me already,” he teases.

  “Shut up,” I smack his arm.

  “Yeah, I think I can manage that. We’ll have to figure out a way for him to understand that you didn't buy me from the dad store in the meantime, though.”

  “Probably a good idea,” I agree. I tug Cade’s hand to move him forward when the doorbell rings. “Pizza’s here. You hungry?”

  “Starving, but pizza in a box isn’t exactly what I have in mind,” he smirks.

  “Let me talk to Ashley and see if she’ll watch Alan. Maybe we can go back to your place, and I can show you just how much I love you,” I wink at him.

  “I think I like the sound of that.”

  “Thought you might,” I smiled.

  “Tomorrow we can start packing your place.”

  “In a hurry, are you?”

  “I missed out on three years. I have a lot of catching up to do, and I don’t want to miss another second with you. You’re it, Serena Jacobs. Like it or not, you’re stuck with me,” he pulled me to him and kissed me tenderly.

  “I think maybe I’m going to like it.”


  The next morning, I wake up feeling like I am exactly where I am supposed to be and that the pieces of my life have finally fallen into place. I roll over and snuggle against Cade’s back, and he turns so he’s on his back, lifting his arm so I can slide in beside him and rest my head on his chest.

  “Good morning,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

  “I told Ashley we’d be back in time for breakfast this morning,” I tell him.

  “That’s fine. And then, we can get your things from her place before we head to your house to get what you need for a few days. We can have movers get the rest next week.”

  “What should we do with my furniture?”

  “Are you attached to any of it?”

  “A few things,” I admit.

  “You can bring whatever you want, and we can donate the rest.”

  “Well, we’ll need Alan’s bedroom furniture, but your bed is far and away more comfortable than mine, so no debate there. I have a china cabinet that has been in my family for years, but I don’t know where you would put it.”

  “We’ll find a place for it. Anything else?”

  “My desk.”

  “I have a spare room we can turn into your office,” he offers.

  “What about Alan?”

  “There’s a guest bedroom we can turn into his room and it has an attached bathroom. It’s white but we can let Alan pick out colors and hire some painters.”

  “You’d really do all of that for us?”

  “Of course. I love you, Serena, and I love Alan, too. You’re both very easy to fall in love with.” I blush, and he holds me close. “Before we go though,
I need to tell you one thing.”

  I sit up and look down at him. His expression is serious. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” he says as he sits up. “I just want you to know that the day before yesterday, Josephine showed up here. She did hire a private investigator to dig up dirt on you, trying to break us up. She came because she thought she’d won and we’d get back together. I made her leave and reminded her that she and I didn’t have a future together in any lifetime or any alternate reality.”

  “Oh, wow,” I murmured.

  “She will never bother us again, I swear. And, I changed all the locks just in case she had a copy of her key made. Changed the alarm codes, too. We can call them later and get a code set for you. I already had keys made.”

  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Anything,” he said, placing a kiss on my forehead again.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life. I’m glad you dropped in unannounced on my lecture. I hate what we’ve gone through the last week, and I know it was my fault, but we’re here now, and like you said, we move forward, not backward.”

  “Always forward,” he smiles. “Always.”

  Chapter 37


  For three months now, life has been absolute bliss. Serena and Alan moved into my house and we redecorated the whole place as a family. I never imagined myself with a kid, but here I am with an awesome son that I have loved every minute of getting to know. The icing on the cake is his amazing mom, the woman I’ve waited my life for. And I have to say, she was well worth the wait.

  My publicist wanted to arrange big media blitz when Serena and I decided the time was right to announce that Alan is my son, but after discussing it together, instead we opted for a low key announcement on mine and Tyler’s show. Of course, the announcement was quickly picked up by other media outlets. So, word spread like wildfire.

  At first there was a lot of buzz because it was the newest gossip, but it died down pretty fast. We get followed around from time to time, but for the most part, our boring family life just doesn’t fit with their need for scandalous chatter.

  Tyler and I are filming a special post NFL draft special today, and then tomorrow, Serena and I are flying to Hawaii for an adult-only three-day trip. It’s been great spending time with her and Alan as a family, but we haven’t been on too many dates just the two of us since she and Alan moved in. For the most part, we’ve been trying to get adjusted and learning to navigate our new life together. Since Ashley just closed a showing at her gallery — a very prestigious one at that — she is taking some time off to relax and offered to keep Alan for us for a few days.

  I’m fidgeting nervously on set as I wait for Tyler to finish in wardrobe. I reach into my pocket and finger the small velvet box nestled in there. Turning away from the few crew members on set, I pull the box out and flip it open.

  “Whoa!” Tyler says loudly from over my shoulder. “Are you serious?”

  “Shh!” I admonish him, flipping the ring box closed and stuffing it back into my pocket. “Keep your voice down.”

  “Sorry. Just wasn’t expecting to see that. When did all this come about?” he asks.

  “I’ll tell you after we film.”

  “Yeah, you better,” he says, giving me a look as he walks to his chair. I try taking a few deep breaths as our producer steps on to the set, and I try to focus as he goes over the agenda. Thankfully, when the cameras swing toward us and the red light goes on, it’s like a switch is flipped, and I move into work mode and get lost in the back and forth of the show with Tyler.

  A few hours later, we’ve managed to wrap up, and Tyler and I head to grab a bite to eat.

  “So?” he says expectantly after being patient enough to wait until the waitress has taken our order and walked away before bringing up what he had seen over my shoulder.

  I glance around to see if anyone might be listening — just in case — but we’ve been seated in a quiet corner and there isn’t anyone seated at the tables near us. “I think I’m gonna ask her to marry me,” I announce to him.

  “You think?” he replies sarcastically.

  “On our getaway this weekend.”

  He nods thoughtfully. “How long have you had the ring?”

  “Three weeks. Although, I’ve been looking at them twice as long. I found this one three weeks ago and knew it was perfect.”

  “This is why you decided to plan a last minute romantic Hawaiian long weekend?”

  I nod. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “You’re sure about this?” Ty questions.

  “About her? Absolutely. I can’t imagine there being anyone else but her. Just living with her doesn’t seem like enough of a commitment, you know? I want it all because she’s it for me.”

  He smiles. “Congratulations, man. I’m so happy you found someone like Serena. She’s really great. And, Alan is a good kid.”

  “He is because he had a great mom raising him. I intend to try to be as good in my role as his dad.”

  “So, what’s your plan?”


  “To ask her. You know, pop the question.”

  “I... I don’t know. I haven’t, um, worked that out completely.”

  “Dude, you bought the ring, you’re carrying it around with you. Now you just ask.”

  “I want it to be memorable.”

  “Cade, I think anywhere you decide to propose in a tropical paradise like Hawaii will be memorable. Furthermore, I don’t think Serena needs all the pomp and circumstance of some huge production of a proposal. That’s not her style. Keep it simple, stupid. I asked Tamara in our kitchen after a loss while we made dinner.”


  “Really. There was just something about the moment that felt like the perfect time to me. Just like knowing you found the one, you’ll know the right moment to ask her because it’ll feel right, too.”

  “Thanks, Ty.”

  “No problem, man. Just make sure Tamara and I are the first to take you two out to celebrate the happy news when it comes.”

  “You got it, man,” I agree.


  I watch as Serena turns in a slow circle, taking in the extravagant surroundings of the resort lobby. “Cade,” she breathes out, “this is so beautiful.”

  “Tyler brought Tamara here a few years ago, and he said it was the best getaway they’ve ever had.”

  “Tamara called and told me to make sure we booked a couple’s massage.”

  “Already done. Ty told me the same thing. Come on, let’s get checked in so we can enjoy ourselves.”

  We make our way to the front desk and while I get everything situated, Serena continues to look around the lobby as she mindlessly fidgets with the colorful lei we were given when we arrived. A bellhop appears to take our luggage, and after the front desk clerk hands me two rooms keys, we follow him to the elevators and up to our room.

  As he quietly unloads our things, Serena soaks everything in. I do, as well, and I can honestly say I am beyond impressed with the room. We enter a living room first with access to a balcony which has some spectacular ocean views. On the table is a vase with a fresh floral arrangement. A bedroom with a plush king-size bed is set off from the living room. In it is another set of doors leading to the balcony. The bathroom naturally sits adjacent to the bedroom. When I peek in, there is a huge, oversized marble tub and a separate shower, and I’m already thinking about taking a long, relaxing bath with Serena.

  I thank our bellhop and tip him as he leaves. When the door closes, I turn to Serena. “What should we do first?”

  She lays down across the bed and sighs as she sinks into it. “Stay here forever,” she murmurs.

  I lie down beside her. “Mmm, I could definitely get used to this,” I agree. “But since it’s so early in the day, I was thinking we could go hang out by the pool for a little while and then go on a little hike.”

  “A hike?”

  “There are some go
rgeous private waterfalls nearby in the Manoa Valley on some land the resort owns. It’s supposed to be a fairly easy thirty minute hike. The resort can have a picnic lunch ready for us when we go.”

  She rolls toward me and kisses me sweetly. “You've thought of everything, haven't you?”

  “Maybe,” I say flirtatiously and kiss her lips gently. “After we get back from the hike, I have massages lined up at the spa and then dinner. So, yeah. I guess I do think of everything,” I joke.

  “That sounds fantastic. Let me change first. I’m ready to get out of these airplane clothes.”


  At the pool, I can’t help glancing over at the beautiful woman next to me. Serena’s simple navy blue bikini is incredibly sexy on her. My eyes follow everywhere she moves, and I can’t keep my hands to myself when she get close enough for me to touch her. We’re both lying in lounge chairs in the cabana with drinks after taking a dip in the pool. Just looking at her still takes my breath away, and I find myself trying to work up my nerve to ask her to marry me right then and there, but then I look around and realize I don’t want to do it in front of anyone else. I want the moment to be just the two of us, so I convince myself that now isn’t the right time.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you in all the mayhem of packing and getting Alan off to Ashley’s,” Serena starts. “I heard from the publisher yesterday. They’re greenlighting our project.”

  “Your project,” I correct.

  “I can’t write Science of the Superbowl without you, Cade. You’re my co-writer.”

  “Contributor, my love. You’re the star of this. I could never explain the science aspect the way you do,” I say.

  “I never would have had the idea without you, though.”

  “You’ll think of a way to thank me one day, like maybe with a book dedication to the most amazing man on the planet,” I say with a sly grin.

  “I can think of better ways to thank you,” she smirks, a wickedly seductive glint in her eyes. “Do you think if we closed the curtains of this cabana anyone would notice if I had my way with you?”

  My mouth falls open, and I gape at her. “Umm, are you serious?” I ask, ready to jump up and close every curtain in Hawaii if I need to.

  She looks around, surveying our surroundings. “Maybe this isn’t the best place to fulfill my secret fantasy,” she says somewhat quietly.